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Balkonblume Bidens

Bidens: A Guide to Growing These Prolific Flowering Plants


Bidens are a genus of flowering plants that belong to the family Asteraceae. They are commonly known as beggar ticks or tickseeds due to their small, barbed seeds that easily attach to clothing and fur. Despite their invasive nature in some areas, bidens are valued for their showy blooms and ability to attract pollinators.

Varieties of Bidens

Bidens ferulifolia (Golden Marguerite)

This variety is a popular choice for hanging baskets and containers. It produces a profusion of yellow daisy-like flowers from summer to fall. Its trailing habit makes it suitable for use as a groundcover or in vertical gardens.

Bidens alba (White Tickseed)

As its name suggests, this bidens variety produces white daisy-like flowers. It has a more upright growth habit compared to B. ferulifolia and can reach a height of 2-3 feet. It is commonly found in wetlands and moist areas.

Growing Bidens

Bidens are easy to grow and adaptable to a range of soil conditions. They prefer full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. To grow bidens, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the soil by tilling it and adding organic matter.
  2. Sow the seeds directly in the garden after the last frost.
  3. Space the seeds 6-8 inches apart.
  4. Water the seeds regularly, especially during the first few weeks after planting.
  5. Fertilize the plants monthly with a balanced fertilizer.
  6. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continued blooming.


Bidens are prolific flowering plants that provide a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. Their daisy-like blooms and ability to attract pollinators make them a valuable addition to any pollinator-friendly flower garden. Whether you choose the trailing golden marguerite or the upright white tickseed, bidens are sure to impress with their showy blooms and easy-care nature.
