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Noam Chomsky Palestine October 2023

WEB: Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Ilan Pappé, Michael Alexander, Mohamad Al...

WEB: Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Ilan Pappé, Michael Alexander, Mohamad Ali...

Israel-Palestine: Breaking the Impasse

Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Ilan Pappé, Michael Alexander, Mohamad Ali discuss the Israel...

Israel has been bombarding the Gaza Strip since last weekend's cross-border attacks by Hamas.

This is a compilation of interviews we conducted with Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Shir Ilan Pappé, Dylan Rodriguez, Michael Alexander, and Mohamad Ali. They discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict, the role of the US, and the prospects for peace.

Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned academic and public intellectual, argues that the US is the main obstacle to peace. He says that the US provides Israel with military and diplomatic support, which enables it to continue its occupation of the Palestinian territories. Chomsky also argues that the US has a responsibility to end its support for Israel, as it is a major human rights violator.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, agrees with Chomsky. He says that the US is "complicit in the crimes of the Israeli government." Hedges argues that the US must stop arming Israel and must pressure it to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Ilan Pappé, an Israeli historian, says that the Israel-Palestine conflict is a "colonial conflict." He argues that Israel is a settler-colonial state that was established on the ruins of Palestinian society. Pappé says that the only way to resolve the conflict is to end the occupation and to establish a Palestinian state.

Dylan Rodriguez, a scholar of race and colonialism, says that the Israel-Palestine conflict is a "microcosm of the global conflict between the West and the rest of the world." He argues that the US and Israel are both settler-colonial states that are committed to maintaining their power and privilege.

Michael Alexander, a professor of international relations, says that the Israel-Palestine conflict is a "complex and intractable" problem. He argues that there is no easy solution, and that any solution will require compromise on both sides.

Mohamad Ali, a Palestinian-American activist, says that the Israel-Palestine conflict is a "humanitarian crisis." He argues that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories has created a situation of apartheid, in which Palestinians are denied basic rights and freedoms.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex and intractable problem. There is no easy solution, and any solution will require compromise on both sides. However, the voices of those who are suffering must be heard. The US must end its support for Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, and it must pressure Israel to respect the rights of the Palestinian people.
