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A Record Setting Performance

Tiger Woods' Historic 15-Stroke Victory in the 2000 US Open

A Record-Setting Performance

In June 2000, Tiger Woods etched his name into the annals of golf history with a record-setting victory in the US Open at Pebble Beach Golf Links. Woods dominated the field, winning by a staggering 15 strokes over runners-up Ernie Els and Miguel Ángel Jiménez. It remains the most lopsided victory in the tournament's history.

The Greatest Performance

The 2000 US Open marked the 100th anniversary of the championship, and Woods' performance was nothing short of extraordinary. He shot a blistering 65 in the opening round and never looked back. Woods' precision and power were on full display as he cruised to victory, setting course records along the way. Many consider it to be the greatest performance by a golfer in major championship history.

A Defining Moment

Woods' 15-stroke victory in the 2000 US Open was a watershed moment in his career. It solidified his status as the world's top golfer and established him as one of the greatest players in history. The victory also set the stage for his dominance of the sport in the years to come.

Tiger Woods' historic 15-stroke victory in the 2000 US Open remains an unforgettable moment in golf history. It is a testament to his incredible talent, determination, and unwavering belief in himself. Woods' performance that week inspired awe and admiration, leaving an enduring legacy that continues to inspire golfers around the world.
